The Power of Impossible Thinking

Start the Book

Recognize the power and limits of mental models

Our models define our world

Running the Miracle Mile

Keeping your models relevant

Off to the Races

New Maps

Transform Your World

Dismantle the Old Order

Find Common Ground to Bridge Adaptive Disconnects

Act Quickly and Effectively

Develop the Intuition to Act Quickly

Challenging Your Own Thinking

The Neuroscience Behind Mental Models

Recognize the Power and Limits of Mental Models

Running the Miracle Mile

The urge to struggle lies latent in everyone. The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, “You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.” The human spirit is indomitable.

Where to Buy

Wharton School Publishing

Pearson Education

Now in Paperback!

Paperback Cover

ISBN: 0131877283; Published: Jan 30, 2006