A fundamental message of The Power of Impossible Thinking is that what you see in any situation depends in very large part upon what you bring to the table. What you see in this book (and this web site) is no exception.You are involved as much as we are in the process of making sense of the ideas presented. More than what we have written here, your own experiences and mindsets will shape what you get out of this process.
If you think this isn’t the way to introduce a book, we ask that you set aside your existing model and give us a little time to win you over. We also invite you to let us know your reactions so we can challenge ourselves and our own mental models, and would very much appreciate it if you would contact us with your feedback - which, with your permission, we will be sharing via this site in the future.
How to Use this Site
The 2 main goals of this site are to provide the following:
- A 'follow-up' tool for people who have already read the book, summarising some of the exercises.
- A 'taster' for people considering buying the book, with links to buy from major booksellers.
Finding Your Way Around
Site navigation is via the left-hand menu.
Follow-up sections are divided into the four numbered sections shown in the diagram.